Mormonism The Matrix and Me is now published!

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Mar 172014

Today is an exciting day for me. My account of raising and home-schooling ten children as a faithful Latter-day Saint, and then discovering the deceptions of the Mormon Church, is now available to whoever wants to read it. Sure, I’m excited to officially be “an author,” but that wasn’t my motivation for writing the book. I’ve always wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of others, encouraging them, touching their hearts in some way. Because of the internet and changes in the publishing industry, I’m able to reach more people than I ever could one-on-one.

Life is comprised of a series of significant events and our responses to them. Events have a great impact on us, but it’s the day to day details of our lives that shape us. Everyone has a story to tell; a story that others can learn from. We might think that we have nothing to offer, but that isn’t true. The seemingly simple things are often catalysts for big things. A kind word, a good deed, a smile, and a helping hand all make a difference. A friend of mine recently posted a quote on Facebook by Mr. Rogers;

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers; you will always find people who are helping.”

We live at a time when there is much uncertainty, confusion, and trouble. We hear of scary or horrible things on the news and get to the point where we don’t even want to turn on the radio or TV. It’s easy to get discouraged. But if we look carefully, we can also see great acts of heroism; ordinary people doing extraordinary things. You might not be able to write a book or become a motivational speaker. Your name might not ever be known outside your circle of family and friends. But there is One above who knows you by name and calls you to be His hands and feet.

You and I can be helpers. You and I can be the hands and feet of the God who cares. What’s your story? Are you willing to share it? You just might make a difference in someone’s life for having the courage to speak.